Not too many people comment on my blogs which sometimes makes me sad. But then I am made aware of the fact that people are in fact reading my blogs. What is odd is that males tend to read and comment via other than posted comments like calling me or mentioning something in conversation while females actually write comments. I will think on that further and come up with some kind of far reaching sociological explanation... or not. Anyway, Eric and Ryan sometimes read and make comments. But yesterday I got a phone call from the friend in Seattle.... he says I am in the good (I think I meant to write good graces but oh well you all got the gist... these mistakes are what happen when I go without an editor!) and that I made a wise choice. I was actually kind of shocked to get the phone call as I had not anticipated a phone call being generated by the post.
In other news, my ex called yesterday to tell me that all is going super fantastically well with he and his new girlfriend and they are "talking about things that people our age talk about when they are in a serious relationship." Two months people, they have been dating two months. It is never easy to hear that from your ex, no matter what. Ryan tried hard to talk me off the ledge ... they are of different religions they have to gauge if this is going to work at all... what will the wedding look like.. church or temple or outside or what? Wait, I know the answers to all those questions.
Amber and I just practiced some weapons. Baby steps in the weapon world for me.... those things are dangerous!!
Now I must grade some of my students' Methodology-s, write a program evaluation, and prepare the outline for my defense. Other people practiced their defense.... based on the lectures I have been to in the last month given by world renowned scholars, such preparation is not professional. ;)
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